At the bottom centre, bearing heart-shaped fruit, is a young etz chaim; this tree of life is formed from the interlocked tails of two lions (of Judah), representing the bride and groom. Other creatures from Jewish tradition, folk lore and legend align themselves. Adjacent to the lions are unicorns, symbolizing strength. The fish is the traditional embodiment of fertility, of luck and of life, itself. Gazelles represent sacrifice. The phoenix is the incarnation of new life and longevity.
From behind the wings of the phoenix is a torah scroll. It arches overtop, forming a chuppah. From atop each of the wings of the phoenix is an embossed shabbat candle. Swirling from the candle flames, smoke forms the traditional tune from the Sheva Brachot. The notation has been transposed into neumes, music of the middle ages.
This magnificent hand-made ketubah is available in Orthodox, Conservative, or Reform scripts. Please email us for further information: (ask for Arlene)
20" x 26.5"
(frame and matting not included)
PLEASE NOTE: prices are in USD, tax included