The passage is from 1 Corinthians 3:13. The shadowing beneath the English lettering is in Aramaic, The music was adapted from the hymn, "The Old Time Fire". The original melody was composed by Samuel Webbe in 1872. The music has been transposed into "neumes", music of the middle ages; the neumatic rests take the form of ichthyses.
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Within the illuminated letter "T" is the Tetramorph, portraying the evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; each is represented as an ox, angel, lion and eagle. The left hand of the angel, Matthew, forms the Hebrew letter "Shin" signifying "Shaddai"... one of the biblical names of God.
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Towards the bottom of the illumination, your name, which will be hand-inscribed by the artist, provides proverbial fuel for the Hebrew word above it, "Hineni" ("I am here"); this is the first word that Moses speaks unto God at the burning bush ( Exodus 3:4 ) and, as the bush burned, so too does Hineni, ablaze in flaming letters.
In the message box above, please let me know:
What name you would like Ian to inscribe
(in the illuminated 'T', under the fire).
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A generous portion of the proceeds
from this piece will be donated to the
National Association of Pastoral Musicians.
PLEASE NOTE: prices are in USD, tax included